Thursday, June 3, 2010


This is a picture of me during 1 of my football games versus New Utrecht H.s. Too bad we lost that game.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Pops

This is a collage i made in class when i was kind of bored. My pops sent me some pics of him as a football player. I felt it would be something nice to do.

Ripped Sailor

This post is about the hardest project i had to do in my illustrator. It must of taken me 2 weeks to finish this project. When you look at the picture trust me it was worse then this.

Logo and Business Card

Mrs.Soto gave us another project. This time we had to create our own business card and logo. This was fun to me. I could get real creative with this kind of project. Huggins Sports Management Corporation.

Clothing Line

This post is about a project that my teacher Mrs.Soto gave to my illustrator class. Our assignment was to create our own clothing line. Im no fashion designer but i made it work..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Barbie Doll Skin

This post is a picture that i had to make look better. At first the girl had major pimples and bumps. Now i made her look nice and clean and pretty. Im the digital

Father & Son

This post is about a picture that i made with photoshop in my Illustrator class. Its a picture of me and my father when we were playing football

About Me

Hey my name is Gerald Jerome Huggins Jr. I live in Beford-Stuyvesant, its a small part
of Brooklyn,NY. I am 16 years old and my birthday is November 13,1993. Scorpios rule the
world!!!!! I play football for Boys And Girls Hs in Brooklyn. Im a Junior and can't wait for my
senior year to start. My whole life involves Football and School. Sounds boring but it can be
very exciting. I have 4 brothers and sisters and i live with my mother. My father is still a big part
of my life even though i don't live with him.